The Client
Emmanuel College is a modern and progressive school located in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne. The original St Pauls campus, located in Altona North, was established in the 1960’s. Notre Dame campus, located in Point Cook, was established in the 2000,s
The Challenge
Emmanuel College realised that operating two independent restricted keying systems and maintaining them was an expensive and complicated exercise that represented a significant ongoing annual cost. Due to key loss and varying degrees of access required by some staff and not others, managing of locks was becoming harder and harder to control. The St Pauls campus also being an older school was constantly replacing locks and hardware that would comply with current building regulations.
The Solution
Omega Security Solutions representatives met with the Emmanuel College’s Management team and devised a Salto Access Control system that would be easier to control and reduce the need for keys making it easier to manage the logistics needed for everyday operations.
One of the criteria set was the automatic lock down and reopen of all external doors at nominated times such as the start of business(open) ,recess (Close – reopen), lunch time (close-reopen) and close of business (close). This was achieved by installing predominantly off line electronic handle sets with a few SALTO Virtual Network (SVN) hotspot doors and update points located in strategic areas.
The hiring of the Gym was also an issue, many keys get lost by the different user groups or they simply do not return the keys. It then becomes necessary to get a locksmith to site to rekey and re issue keys to both staff and hirers. This is both inconvenient and costly. By installing a hotspot on the main gym entry door the college can now control the access remotely and can easily re programme any existing cards effected via the software. In the case of a hirer forgetting their card, the door can now be opened remotely via the software. As different user groups use the Gym it stands to reason that different access rights are needed to certain doors .Sports groups might access the Gym store and Gym but are not allowed entry to the kitchen or pantry. Hall hirers are allowed to the Kitchen and Gym but not the Gym store or pantry. This was easily achieved by using offline electronic handle sets and can be easily reset and changed as needed.
In the case of contractors being needed urgently after hours, a card is either pre-issued to the contractor or left in a key safe with an expiration date and time set. The card is non operative until the college activates the card via a remote laptop. The contractor can update the card via a hotspot onsite once the software has been updated remotely. This will allow the contractor to have specific access to certain areas nominated by the software during the emergency. Once works are complete the card is automatically deactivated until needed again.